Just testing
Published on November 15, 2007 By KzintiPatriarch In Metaverse

You have dared to enter the lair of the most ferocious predators in the galaxy!

It is the ulitmate destiny of the Kzinti to conquer the other civilizations of the galaxy, subjugate and enslave any who may prove useful to us, and devour the rest. The Fanged God has ordained that this is how it will be.

In just 26 octals of days (7 months or so...Kzinti count in base 8), the Kzinti Empire rose from obscurity, to #1 on the Metaverse. With the blessings of the Fanged God, we have remained dominant for 100s more octals of days since that auspicious day.  We leapt past the other empires, and our mighty domain now encompasses over 32 million more light years than the second most powerful empire.  The most recent Galactic Map data shows that we have subjugated over 45% of the galaxy.  Many warriors from the old and dying empires have joined us, to avoid being eaten along with the rest.  We hunger to establish indefinite supremacy over all the inferior sentient species...

We have also been #1 on the AltMeta for over 3 years running. The Empire grows more powerful with each passing day as new conquests are won, and more warriors join us in our inevitable rise to rule the galaxy!

The Kzinti are a species of bipedal space-faring feline predators, who love nothing more than conquest and battle. Created by sci-fi writer Larry Niven, the Kzinti have had many stories written about them, most notably in the Man-Kzin Wars series of books. They have also shown up in the Star Trek universe, and a number of other realities.



"Kzinti flesh has a very strong and pungent taste. The weak among us are devoured by their litter-mates within a few moons of birthing. Only the swiftest and most ferocious of us survive to their first naming-day. Those not fit to survive will never live to perpetuate their inferior bloodlines. This is the natural law of the galaxy." - Kzinti Warrior


"The meaning of life is the hot blood of your prey on your tongue, the meat that rends beneath your teeth, the corpse of your enemy left in the sun for the carrion eaters to finish, your defeated foe groveling in submission before you. That is what life is. We are the Kzinti, and we stronger, swifter, wiser, and more ferocious than any other race ever was or will be." - Kzinti philosopher


If your claws can grasp it, then it is rightfully yours. - Kzinti proverb

A salute to all those heroic t'kzintar who have made this empire a resounding success. Our conquests continue and the galaxy will never know peace!

Join the Kzinti in our quest for galactic dominance, or become our prey…

Click here to join the Kzinti Empire!

Click here to visit our forums at the Galactic Core

Click here to download the Kzinti ship and race mod from the Library



Sentient species taste better...

Comments (Page 32)
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on Apr 03, 2008
Very well said. And any new Pussies gonna join?

Having a personal lack of the aforementioned item Jeff?

The kitty cats don't seem brave enough to come and face us in the MVL. The Tyranny of Evil shall continue to dominate the teams!!!!

In addition to Noctilucus, who has been an excellent team-member, Butterfly was in, but he disapeared after Team D's glorious victory in Round 4, & Velkyn Kyil never showed for the round he joined. Not sure where either of them went off to....maybe some remote corner of the galaxy to a planet full of beautiful Kzinretti.

Place 1 for a time - and i am not one of the worse members. Too bad i have TA now. It is not yet metaverse compatible - quite hard to decide whether to have metaverse scoring or new features

I saw that you sbumitted another victory di55ex7ion and are above 100k points now. I sure wish they would make ToA MV compatible soon too!

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Apr 03, 2008
I saw that you sbumitted another victory di55ex7ion and are above 100k points now. I sure wish they would make ToA MV compatible soon too!

ToA in MV will rock! The tournament option seems great to me. I hope the`ll develop a good system to integrate TA into the MV. Hopefully the old scores do not get lost for TA.

Regarding my score - my new game was only 2000 points better than my old although it was a higher difficulty and i think i managed my military much better. I know there is some potential maxing out score by micromanagement but i keep getting lazy with planet no. 178432 i have conquered. Towards the end of the game i impatiently often just let the plantes be as i got them. Do you have a thread somewhere, where strategies of maxing out scores are discussed? (Just more in general, i do not want to be one of the freaks actually calculating the max pop they can get) I just want to know basically which parameters affect score the most and where i should keep my focus on in the game. I think in the previous game i had too little military power early, mid and beginning of endgame, i usually build huge hulls and overwhelm the enemy with sheer technological overpowering. In the last game i tried to use my economy more military oriented, i build a lot more military ships this time to just have a big number of fleets the whole time. In ealier games i got to one point it was really hard to be below 20k treasury because of the lack of ships, i think that is one point i can optimize in the future.

I just do not have ANY clue, how people can get the 10x of my game score, suicidal difficulty only just doesnt make this difference in score, i just wonder how they can play SO MUCH better than me.
on Apr 03, 2008
Ok 2, sorry i hadn't realized you were a Kzin Noct...but two out of what....280???

I still say that most of you Kzinti are too frightened to leave your litter boxes!!!!
on Apr 03, 2008
Regarding my score - my new game was only 2000 points better than my old although it was a higher difficulty and i think i managed my military much better. I know there is some potential maxing out score by micromanagement but i keep getting lazy with planet no. 178432 i have conquered. Towards the end of the game i impatiently often just let the plantes be as i got them. Do you have a thread somewhere, where strategies of maxing out scores are discussed? (Just more in general, i do not want to be one of the freaks actually calculating the max pop they can get) I just want to know basically which parameters affect score the most and where i should keep my focus on in the game. I think in the previous game i had too little military power early, mid and beginning of endgame, i usually build huge hulls and overwhelm the enemy with sheer technological overpowering. In the last game i tried to use my economy more military oriented, i build a lot more military ships this time to just have a big number of fleets the whole time. In ealier games i got to one point it was really hard to be below 20k treasury because of the lack of ships, i think that is one point i can optimize in the future. I just do not have ANY clue, how people can get the 10x of my game score, suicidal difficulty only just doesnt make this difference in score, i just wonder how they can play SO MUCH better than me.

There are many scoring threads on the forums, although they are harder to find now because the search function is still screwed up. The scoring differential for difficulty levels is minimal. I certainly understand about micromanagement fatigue! Unfortunately, it is one key component to getting higher scores. Generally though, do everything you normally do, just do it bigger and sooner. More population, military, economy, etc, and maximize it as soon as possible. Build the Mind Control Center and Spin Control Center as early as possible. The 100% econ boonus from the MCC is extremely important, and the military score boost fomr the SCC is overpowering. If you have the patience, build the Military Starbase Array, so that your planet with the SCC on it is encompased by all the starbases, and build the Omega Defense System on the same planet as the SCC. Definitely try to keep your treasury below 20k. Rush-buy improvements and ships to keep under that level. Buying more ships will also up your military score of course. There are many threads where scoring is discussed on these forums, and I'll look around a bit and get you some links.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Apr 03, 2008
Thanks for the tip with the spin control center. I have not realised before that it affects scoring as well. I just never built it because i thought it just virtually powers up your planetary defense and keeps the enemy from attacking. I almost never get successful enemy attacks, so i saw no use in building it. Are there any real bonuses of it besides military score?

Maybe it is important for my score that i build more platary defense improvements and keep a few ships in orbit? I never did that...

What about military starbases as well? They push military too i think, but as well i disregarded them before, because they are not as useful as i wish
on Apr 03, 2008
Thanks for the tip with the spin control center. I have not realised before that it affects scoring as well. I just never built it because i thought it just virtually powers up your planetary defense and keeps the enemy from attacking. I almost never get successful enemy attacks, so i saw no use in building it. Are there any real bonuses of it besides military score?

Thats what I thought about the SCC initially too. I ignored it for a long time, but when I built it for the first time, and saw the huge leap in military score, I was sold! I design ships specifically to put on the SCC planet....huge hulls (to take advantage of the in-orbit HP bonus, combined with the ODS) weapons, no engines, and no defenses (unless I can squeeze 1 in, and cant fit any more weapons).

Here is a pic of one of my Military Starbase Arrays. The planet just to the north has the SCC and ODS, and just to the north of that is every warship I have in existence, so they are all in the range of every military starbase.


I generally extend the game once I have won, with only 1 enemy planet left, for a couple years to build up the points. This is very effective for getting a higher score. That is how I can have every starship within the Array, and not off fighting enemies. The starbases themselves are maxed out with ship-assist modules for the appropriate weapon type I have on the ships.

If you have a save from the game you just played, you could reload, try some of these things, and see what difference it makes. then re-submit to the MV with the higher score. Remember though that doing things early is very key, so the difference likely wont be dramatic for that particular game.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Apr 03, 2008
Thanks for the tip with the spin control center. I have not realised before that it affects scoring as well. I just never built it because i thought it just virtually powers up your planetary defense and keeps the enemy from attacking. I almost never get successful enemy attacks, so i saw no use in building it. Are there any real bonuses of it besides military score?

It's not just military score. It also boosts diplomacy due to military strength. You'll see huge benefits that can add to your overall dominance with that side effect of diplomacy. The AI will be less likely to declare war on you, so you can go to war at the time of your choosing. Once you no longer need the war, or just want to offer peace in exchange for a few ready built planets, it becomes easier.

The extra populated planets will add to your score in several ways. First by the population, second the economy boost from the taxes that the population pays, third with the extra production from the built up planet and fourth with the extra research the planets provide. It's a snowball effect too, since now, you can build your military faster and further increase your diplomacy, leading to more "free" planets.
on Apr 03, 2008
If you have a save from the game you just played, you could reload, try some of these things, and see what difference it makes. then re-submit to the MV with the higher score. Remember though that doing things early is very key, so the difference likely wont be dramatic for that particular game. Sentient species taste better...

That actually does work? I didnt know that. Mmmmh, so you theoretically can play old games again and push your scores?

Both of you, thanks for your statements on military - i seemed to really have underestimated it way to much. Because of the technological advantage of the enemies in higher difficulties i until now concentrated on diplomacy in the beginning to keep them off, because my ships mostly got wasted by their better ones. The influence on diplomacy was not clear to me. I didnt even realize it was possible to put that much pressure on the enemy.
on Apr 03, 2008
That actually does work? I didnt know that. Mmmmh, so you theoretically can play old games again and push your scores?

You can resubmit a game once, so that'll be your only shot at it. Subsequent retries will give an error.
on Apr 03, 2008
Only if you had that endgamesave or another save file frmo that game.

Note that the SCC itself doesn't acutally raise your military score; you need ships in orbit of that planet to accomplish that. What it does is take each ship in orbit and multiply by 5. So if you had 1 ship with 100 attack and 100 defense, to the AI it now looks like you now have 5 of those ships. So you want your strongest ships in orbit of your SCC planet. The Krynn and Korath are particularly good races to use because of their bonuses in weapons and/or defenses. You also receive a +25% attack/defense bonus for having a ship in orbit of a planet. You want the Omega Defense on that world becuase ships that are built there have a 25% higher HP and military score is based on attack+defense+hp (IIRC there's a divisor in there too but my recall isn't Mumblefratzian so you'll have to forgive me)

Planetary Defenses will do nothing for your military score. They are best used only on worlds likely to be invaded (such as edge worlds) by the AI or strategically important worlds where their loss would be detrimental to you.

To avoid war, you usually need roughly a 3:1 military ratio (ie 99 to 33). To really walk all over the AI in the Diplomacy screen you need about a 10:1 ratio (ie 300 to 30)
on Apr 03, 2008
You can resubmit a game once, so that'll be your only shot at it. Subsequent retries will give an error.

Ah...I thought you could do it an infinite number of times. This explains the error I got a couple days ago when fiddling around with one of my ZYW games, and tried re-submitting more than once.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on Apr 03, 2008
You can resubmit a game once, so that'll be your only shot at it. Subsequent retries will give an error.

Ah...I thought you could do it an infinite number of times. This explains the error I got a couple days ago when fiddling around with one of my ZYW games, and tried re-submitting more than once. Sentient species taste better...

I learned it the hard way too. I tried a couple of tests that might be of interest as well, just so you don't have to waste time doing them.

I tried clearing my character and then resubmitting a game that had only been submitted once. The resubmission looks like it works, but the game never shows up in the metaverse. I'm pretty sure it goes in and the reset flag resets it to zero.

I've had indeterminate data on resetting my character and then submitting a game that I started before the reset, but submitted after the reset. It doesn't seem to work, but I only did that once. I suspect that my game was reset to zero by the time stamp and so the new game didn't count, similar to a re-submit under the same circumstances. Without repeat data, I can't verify it though. I also have no spare characters to complete this test, since all are currently active.

on Apr 03, 2008
Sorry Noct, I also did not realize you were a cat person. I was going to say crazy cat lady, but that would not be politcally correct, which I always am.  
on Apr 04, 2008
Sorry Noct, I also did not realize you were a cat person. I was going to say crazy cat lady, but that would not be politcally correct, which I always am.  

No worries PlayJeff45, though indeed cat man/guy would be more suitable for my person
No comments on the "crazy" part...
on Apr 04, 2008
but that would not be politcally correct, which I always am.


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