Just testing
Published on November 15, 2007 By KzintiPatriarch In Metaverse

You have dared to enter the lair of the most ferocious predators in the galaxy!

It is the ulitmate destiny of the Kzinti to conquer the other civilizations of the galaxy, subjugate and enslave any who may prove useful to us, and devour the rest. The Fanged God has ordained that this is how it will be.

In just 26 octals of days (7 months or so...Kzinti count in base 8), the Kzinti Empire rose from obscurity, to #1 on the Metaverse. With the blessings of the Fanged God, we have remained dominant for 100s more octals of days since that auspicious day.  We leapt past the other empires, and our mighty domain now encompasses over 32 million more light years than the second most powerful empire.  The most recent Galactic Map data shows that we have subjugated over 45% of the galaxy.  Many warriors from the old and dying empires have joined us, to avoid being eaten along with the rest.  We hunger to establish indefinite supremacy over all the inferior sentient species...

We have also been #1 on the AltMeta for over 3 years running. The Empire grows more powerful with each passing day as new conquests are won, and more warriors join us in our inevitable rise to rule the galaxy!

The Kzinti are a species of bipedal space-faring feline predators, who love nothing more than conquest and battle. Created by sci-fi writer Larry Niven, the Kzinti have had many stories written about them, most notably in the Man-Kzin Wars series of books. They have also shown up in the Star Trek universe, and a number of other realities.



"Kzinti flesh has a very strong and pungent taste. The weak among us are devoured by their litter-mates within a few moons of birthing. Only the swiftest and most ferocious of us survive to their first naming-day. Those not fit to survive will never live to perpetuate their inferior bloodlines. This is the natural law of the galaxy." - Kzinti Warrior


"The meaning of life is the hot blood of your prey on your tongue, the meat that rends beneath your teeth, the corpse of your enemy left in the sun for the carrion eaters to finish, your defeated foe groveling in submission before you. That is what life is. We are the Kzinti, and we stronger, swifter, wiser, and more ferocious than any other race ever was or will be." - Kzinti philosopher


If your claws can grasp it, then it is rightfully yours. - Kzinti proverb

A salute to all those heroic t'kzintar who have made this empire a resounding success. Our conquests continue and the galaxy will never know peace!

Join the Kzinti in our quest for galactic dominance, or become our prey…

Click here to join the Kzinti Empire!

Click here to visit our forums at the Galactic Core

Click here to download the Kzinti ship and race mod from the Library



Sentient species taste better...

Comments (Page 33)
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on Apr 04, 2008
This gigantic map thing is teaching me new ways of doing "business" in the galaxy. Where I was only dealing with my normal 4 types of ships (A tiny hull 1/1 short range fighter, a tiny hull 1/1 medium range fighter, a huge hull 1/1 long range fighter and a super fast armed transport), I'm now alternating within each turn between the huge hull and an old standby, the cargo hull long range fighter.

The 25k + ships clogging up my processor are costing me some maintenance coin. I'm now noticing it in my economy and if left unchecked, it might become a limiting factor. I'm hoping the long range cargo hull fighters will allow me to extend my ridiculous building effort. The tiny medium rangers would do, but are just too slow to be effective on such a large scale.

My economy never got to the point of the economic superstars like Mumblefratz and Silverbeacher, but it's sufficient for my purposes. If I'm to seriously approach the 1 million point barrier, I can't let economy distract me. Even so, it's still an important part of it all. I'd sure like to see one of those economic doubling events right about now.
on Apr 04, 2008
LOL thanks Motti but I'm only an economic superstar only because I don't spend my money on 17K ships haha. And I'm willing to reload a save to keep the Economic Prosperity Event (especially when its coupled with the Doubled Population Growth Event, talk about a boon).

If the Almighty ever granted me the patience to micromanage I may actually have the chance of being really up there amongst the players. Unfortunately, I think I was blessed with ADHD instead. Oh well, one must count his blessings.

I'm actually having a LOT of economic issues in my current MVL game, but I think I can circumvent that now. Trial and error right?
on Apr 04, 2008
Careful the Tyranny's aiming their Rosie clones at you guys!
on Apr 04, 2008
As a Tyranny member, I can say that while we may have our secret O'Donnell-Class stealth bombers poised to drop the ROSIE (Range Oriented Strategic Intelligent Explosive) Missile at a moment's notice...we also have more subversive ways...yes, even now we have strategically placed agents at the highest points of the Kzinti Hierarchy.

and on a totally separate and unrelated matter...congratulations to Motti Khan for his Senator status promotion
on Apr 04, 2008

Thanks, Silver.   

on Apr 04, 2008
A great welcome to our newest member, Zoth Ommogg!

Sorry Noct, I also did not realize you were a cat person. I was going to say crazy cat lady, but that would not be politcally correct, which I always am.  

What alternate reality did you slip into Jeff?

we may have our secret O'Donnell-Class stealth bombers poised to drop the ROSIE (Range Oriented Strategic Intelligent Explosive) Missile at a moment's notice...

The Rosie clone thing is getting a bit tedious at this point, but at least Silver is creative with it. The Kzinti are not afraid of these corpulent creatures.

we also have more subversive ways...yes, even now we have strategically placed agents at the highest points of the Kzinti Hierarchy. and on a totally separate and unrelated matter...congratulations to Motti Khan for his Senator status promotion

Well done!    But never understimate the cunning of a Kzinti... As is said in Dune, there are "plans within plans", and "a feint within a feint, within a feint".

Allright, I am fully aware that I live in Vermont, but its April 4th and snowing again. I usually like the snow, but at this point I've really had enough of winter...   

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Apr 04, 2008
Snow? Whats that.....
on Apr 04, 2008
lol, and that's why I am never living any further north than I currently am. Today is cold enough for my tastes, 43F. Though its supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it, it was supposed to be in the 50s all this week too and that never happened. Haven't seen any snow since...early March maybe? We ended up getting very little this year.

My mom, and my hometown, on the other hand live right off of Lake Michigan in Michigan and they got hammered with lake effect this year. Let me say I don't miss that stuff one bit.
on Apr 05, 2008
I remember snow. We had that up north in New Hampshire. It's a fascinating thing when you see it on TV. Not so much after several months of living in it though.   
on Apr 05, 2008
I hate snow and I live in Ohio. I pray for more and more global warming. I keep telling my wife that when I finish my docotoral degree, we are headed South.

on Apr 05, 2008
My military rating on my current game. I've never been this high before. Over 8.5 million in July 2229. Still climbing, too. I'm experimenting with those cargo hull fighters. So far, so good. (The graph resets itself at 6 million, but that's just a display thing.)

My computer is hanging in there as well as can be expected. Another week of this should do it.

EDIT: Photobucket is doing some new stuff. It downsized my pic to 800 pixels. It's still ok for this purpose though. I might go back to using webshots instead.
on Apr 06, 2008
Nice graph Motti!    Going to set a new personal record for this game?

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Apr 06, 2008
actually he might, i would have to check but I seem to recall Mumble topping out in the 6 million range.
on Apr 06, 2008
Nice graph Motti!    Going to set a new personal record for this game? Sentient species taste better...

Thanks.    It's already a personal record for me. I haven't tested the score recently, but it should reach the 900k + mark if I can just keep the CPU and video card from frying. The game is really taxing my hardware and patience. Here's hoping that both can hold up.   

I'm looking forward to a nice, calm MVL game to rinse the cobwebs out.   
on Apr 06, 2008
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