Just testing
Published on November 15, 2007 By KzintiPatriarch In Metaverse

You have dared to enter the lair of the most ferocious predators in the galaxy!

It is the ulitmate destiny of the Kzinti to conquer the other civilizations of the galaxy, subjugate and enslave any who may prove useful to us, and devour the rest. The Fanged God has ordained that this is how it will be.

In just 26 octals of days (7 months or so...Kzinti count in base 8), the Kzinti Empire rose from obscurity, to #1 on the Metaverse. With the blessings of the Fanged God, we have remained dominant for 100s more octals of days since that auspicious day.  We leapt past the other empires, and our mighty domain now encompasses over 32 million more light years than the second most powerful empire.  The most recent Galactic Map data shows that we have subjugated over 45% of the galaxy.  Many warriors from the old and dying empires have joined us, to avoid being eaten along with the rest.  We hunger to establish indefinite supremacy over all the inferior sentient species...

We have also been #1 on the AltMeta for over 3 years running. The Empire grows more powerful with each passing day as new conquests are won, and more warriors join us in our inevitable rise to rule the galaxy!

The Kzinti are a species of bipedal space-faring feline predators, who love nothing more than conquest and battle. Created by sci-fi writer Larry Niven, the Kzinti have had many stories written about them, most notably in the Man-Kzin Wars series of books. They have also shown up in the Star Trek universe, and a number of other realities.



"Kzinti flesh has a very strong and pungent taste. The weak among us are devoured by their litter-mates within a few moons of birthing. Only the swiftest and most ferocious of us survive to their first naming-day. Those not fit to survive will never live to perpetuate their inferior bloodlines. This is the natural law of the galaxy." - Kzinti Warrior


"The meaning of life is the hot blood of your prey on your tongue, the meat that rends beneath your teeth, the corpse of your enemy left in the sun for the carrion eaters to finish, your defeated foe groveling in submission before you. That is what life is. We are the Kzinti, and we stronger, swifter, wiser, and more ferocious than any other race ever was or will be." - Kzinti philosopher


If your claws can grasp it, then it is rightfully yours. - Kzinti proverb

A salute to all those heroic t'kzintar who have made this empire a resounding success. Our conquests continue and the galaxy will never know peace!

Join the Kzinti in our quest for galactic dominance, or become our prey…

Click here to join the Kzinti Empire!

Click here to visit our forums at the Galactic Core

Click here to download the Kzinti ship and race mod from the Library



Sentient species taste better...

Comments (Page 12)
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on Feb 10, 2008
Come on folks, try to punch in some games. I just joined, bringing with me 1.3 million points.

I'll try talking some of the Orcas over as well. Second is in reach.

Waiting for TA to load up MV. I put up a game recently for DA but I am loving TA and my hearts not in the older games anymore. I will be going for the 50 game medal this year.
on Feb 10, 2008
Anyone played Sins of a Solar Empire yet? I have to say I'm a little disappointed at the lack of overall game content from structures to units.(played all three sides multiple times) Ugh, anyway.. back to my sweet sweet galciv2.. sorry for the lack of recent victories.. I will make up for them.

Edit : I should probably make a kitty?
on Feb 11, 2008
Come on folks, try to punch in some games. I just joined, bringing with me 1.3 million points.

I'll try talking some of the Orcas over as well. Second is in reach.

Waiting for TA to load up MV. I put up a game recently for DA but I am loving TA and my hearts not in the older games anymore. I will be going for the 50 game medal this year.

I agree Franco, I really wish that they would make TA Metaverse compatible. I bought it a while back, but havent played it yet, because I want to keep submitting MV games, climbing the ranks, and winning victories for the Empire. They need to get it done!

Anyone played Sins of a Solar Empire yet? I have to say I'm a little disappointed at the lack of overall game content from structures to units.(played all three sides multiple times) Ugh, anyway.. back to my sweet sweet galciv2.. sorry for the lack of recent victories.. I will make up for them.

I should probably make a kitty?

Nope, I havent played Sins. I might check it out, but I havent decided yet. One I know I will get though is the Master of Magic remake/sequel they are working on.

I did see that you submitted another victory Mulfia. Cat oriented characters/pics are cool, but certainly not necesary. If you stick with something anime, I'm sure you can find all kinds of cat-people pictures. There seems a strong fascination with that in anime.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Feb 11, 2008
Motti, how is your game with Miaowara Tomokato coming? My gf thinks your character name is especially clever.

Please pass my thanks on to your gf. The character is from the Samurai Cat books by Mark E. Rogers. The name struck me as funny and I liked the artwork.

My game is somewhat of a mixed bag. Being my first gigantic map, I've had to alter my strategies quite a bit just to stay in the game. It's also my first attempt at Dark Avatar.

I'm playing Yor on suicidal. Currently, it's year 3 and I've finally gotten my ranking above the minor races. I've been in a war with the Iconians for about six months and they're starting to seriously fortify their core now. All of their rankings outclass mine by quite a bit, but I'm bringing them down little by little.

My techs are coming from them, since I can't seem to get much research done on my own. All of my colonization techs and my top military techs have been stolen from them during the war. They only have a handful of planets left in my territory now and those will be mine in about two or three turns. I'll then be able to focus better on their shrinking border. I'm hoping to get my military rating higher so I can hold off the emminent attack from the Terrans and Altarians. The only thing holding them off is the "Too busy" factor.

Add to the confusion those bad slowdowns and ever increasing out of memory crashes, and the game becomes sort of frustrating. I had some in DL, but DA is much worse so far. I'll try to complete this game, but I'm not sure if it'll let me. At one point, it was giving me the out of memory crash every turn.

I think you're playing 1.6x too. Do you have any pointers on keeping the game going without those annoying crashes and slowdowns? I have all of the video options turned down or disabled and my system isn't a dog by any means. I'm using a memory manager, but even that doesn't seem to be enough.
on Feb 11, 2008
I found that when I went from DL to DA I had to lower the difficulty level a couple notches. I've worked my way back up to where I have it higher than it was originally, but I'm not up to suicidal yet. I always steal a large amount of tech from conquest, because it's impossible to keep up in the beginning.

I know my system could not handle a gigantic map, so I've never attempted it. I get slow-downs and memory crashes on huge maps, even with some of the graphics features turned down or off. Once you get closer to the end-game, and theres less AIs doing things, the memory problems seem to fade. Hopefully you'll be able to make it to that point! The solution that I intend to do sometime soon is get more RAM. I have 1 gig right now, and I'll go up to 2 gigs. How much do you have at this point?

Definitely try to keep those nearby opponents at war with other AIs, so they stay "too busy".

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Feb 11, 2008
Mine is a custom gaming computer, so it has 4 gigs of RAM. I originally built it for distributed computing projects (cancer, malaria and AIDS research and such). Under XP, I think the max is 2 gigs though, so the extra isn't being used when I play GalCiv2. I'm letting Windows manage the page file and have a memory manager that I run when playing GalCiv2. It's the only program that needs one, but even with it, I'm getting the crashes.

The game freezes several times during every turn now. It's managable for now, but frustrating. The crashes are worse.

I'll go on with the game and hope that things calm down later. You're right in that the AI is doing a lot right now. Especially the Dregin with their free ships that they keep getting. I'm looking forward to taking them on when I'm strong enough. That'll probably be an epic war.

I'm down with the flu right now, so my mood and thought processes aren't up to par. I'll probably be able to put up with the details better when I'm healthier.   
on Feb 11, 2008
They claim to have solved some of the memory leak issues with the new expansion. I never play a crowded maps with lots of star or planets unless I'm on my desktop at home which is about twice the machine of my laptop.
on Feb 11, 2008
I think now that the "habitable planets reduction" has been reversed, I'll update to the latest version of DA, once I complete my current game. Hopefully the memory problems will be reduced.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Feb 11, 2008
One thing I've found for out of memory, is not letting it actually happen...

I play with auto save set to 3 turns. Superstitously, I don't like it to save too often. As soon as I see the graphics knock out, I finish the turn (not hit turn tho...), alt-tab out, alt tab back in, and then save.

When I say graphics knock out, for me that's the white box of doom that replaces explosions, or the other favorite, the mangled background for invasion.

Alt-tabing out frees up enough that I can always save it. I don't push it after that though... (then you get really bad crashes...)

For me, i can play gigantic, but I can't play abundant/abundant. I throttle down stars or planets. Also setting away from scattered reduces planets as well. For me, these settings on maso give about 100k average, without too much of a memory issue. (when it crashes, I take it as a sign to quit...)
on Feb 12, 2008
Ugh, crap score for last game. I feel that I've been ripped off.
on Feb 12, 2008
Ugh, crap score for last game. I feel that I've been ripped off.

All other victory types will score lower than a military victory. The basic things you need to increase your score are military rating, population, economic power, and technology score. Among those, tech seems to be the least efficient way to pump up your scores. There are all kinds of ways to increase each of these, so figuring out what works best for your syle of play is important. Also very important is doing everything faster. You'll score much higher if you get your various ratings up earlier in the game.

One thing I've found for out of memory, is not letting it actually happen...

I play with auto save set to 3 turns. Superstitously, I don't like it to save too often. As soon as I see the graphics knock out, I finish the turn (not hit turn tho...), alt-tab out, alt tab back in, and then save.

When I say graphics knock out, for me that's the white box of doom that replaces explosions, or the other favorite, the mangled background for invasion.

Alt-tabing out frees up enough that I can always save it. I don't push it after that though... (then you get really bad crashes...)

For me, i can play gigantic, but I can't play abundant/abundant. I throttle down stars or planets. Also setting away from scattered reduces planets as well. For me, these settings on maso give about 100k average, without too much of a memory issue. (when it crashes, I take it as a sign to quit...)

I'll try ALT-Tab next time I see the "box of doom". Thanks. When it's appeared I have just quit the game and lost what few turns I completed since the last autosave. The most my system can manage is a huge map with everything set to abundant, except habitable planets, which is set to common. The best score I've managed with those settings is just over 150k.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Feb 12, 2008
Still around I see.

My Beagle caught a Kizinti in my back yard the other day, must have been snowblind.
on Feb 12, 2008
Still around, and still ravenous for conquest! Soon the Kzinti will surpass the HCH and then there's only one obstacle left to reach #1. How would you like to add a shiny new bronze (soon to be silver) medal to your collection PlayJeff? The Hitchhikers seem to be just about done. FB left, MacMatt is absent and seems disinterested, and I have spoken to RedClaw who has said he would likely join the Kzinti if the Hitchhikers stay so inactive. Maybe marriedwithchild needs a new home?

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on Feb 12, 2008
Arrg! I'm going to abandon my current game and set up a custom Yor. I made way too many mistakes early on and I'm paying for them in year 3. Even the lowly Terrans are walking on me.   

I might lower the difficulty a little if I can't make the custom Yor work at suicidal.

DA seems so much slower going than DL. I'm surprised that so many MVL players made those 0 year wins.

My goal on this first game is to make it into the top 10 of the empire. That should be doable. Back to work for me now and I'll start a new game tonight.   
on Feb 12, 2008
unliike a cat, Jeff is so not easily amused by your little playthings. I have warned you before KP that the time of judgment is coming for the Kzinti Empire, I suggest you tread lightly. Forces unseen have been called and are preparing to muster against you.

oh, in other news lol, i think I'm gonna write an AAR again here. It will even have the Kzinti in it
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